Thank you for joining my session Go Big or Go Home for the SWE-RMS Virtual Summit!

Women's Leadership Webinar Speaker Jo Miller

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Check out these additional resources, too:

• Forbes article, 100 Leadership Qualities: What’s Your Signature Leadership Style?

• 100 Leadership Qualities (checklist)

• 33 Ways to Amplify Your Accomplishments

• Criteria for a Career-Defining Opportunity

• Book Discussion Guide for Jo’s book.

For much, much more on this topic, refer to Chapters 6 & 7 of my book, Woman of Influence: 9 Steps to Build Your Brand, Establish Your Legacy, and Thrive (McGraw-Hill 2019). Download this free chapter. Or better yet, purchase your copy, here.

Thank You

Enormous, whopping, bucketloads of gratitude to Bomsaerah Seong, Kaitlin Chapman, Lisa Woodward, and everyone with the SWE Rocky Mountain Section who worked so hard to make our time together possible.
Now go… become the powerhouse leader you were meant to be!
Jo Miller